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Egg Recipient



Donor eggs are sometimes used for women who can not produce eggs. Also, donor eggs or donor sperm is sometimes used when the woman or man has a genetic disease that can be passed on to the baby. 
When a couple request for a donor eggs, there are two possible elective: one is fresh eggs and another one is frozen eggs. In both cases, there are possible match in term of physical feathers and blood types. Also reduce the change of inbreeding.
After selected egg donors ( in Taiwan, it is not allowed), a potential donor can provide her eggs during IVF procedure.  If a donor’s frozen eggs is selected, those eggs need to thawed and perform ICSI to be fertilized,
Egg donation is to use ART to help infertile couples with vibrant germ cells. The process will include donation registration, inspection and matching, egg retrieval, and follow-up and receive nutrition fees.

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